Page 10 - Buyer_Reception
P. 10
A. Complete the sentences using the given expressions or words.
1. Receptionist: Tycon Electronics. How may I help you?
Kim: 안녕하세요. 저는 나노커뮤니케이션의 김철수라고 합니다. (from
NANO Communications)
2. Kim: 브라운씨와 통화할 수 있을까요? (speak to)
Receptionist: Yes, could you hold for a second, please?
3. Brown: I really appreciate that you're taking care of everything.
Kim: No problem. As I wrote in the email, 저희 측에서 호텔을 준
비했습니다. (arrange, hotel booking) I set it up at a hotel near
our office.
4. Brown: That would be really convenient-especially for my trips
to and from your office.
Kim: Okay, 다시 한 번 비행기 시간을 확인해보겠습니다. (check on)
You're on American Airlines, February 14th.
5. Brown: Yes. And the arrival time is 5:00 pm.
Kim: Okay, 저희 쪽에서 공항에 마중 나가겠습니다. (somebody from,
meet you at the airport)
B. You want to know about your American partner's flight schedule, the
arrival time, hotel booking and pick-up service at the airport. Make a
phone call and get the information.
● Hello. This is ...
● Can I speak to ...?
● We’ll arrange the hotel booking for you.
● Let me check ... for you.
● ... will meet you at the ...
1. Flight Schedule
2. Arrival Time
3. Pick-Up Service
4. Hotel Booking
Receptionist PNG Electronics. How may I help you?
You Hello. This is ...
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