Page 15 - Exam-3rd-2023-Mar
P. 15
No . 24
What is the most appropriate title for the next
article? (다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?)
① Energy Harvesting: Every Little Helps
② Burning Waste for Energy Is Harmful
③ Is Renewable Energy Really Green?
④ Pros and Cons of Energy Harvesting
⑤ Can Natural Energy Sources Fulfill the Demand?
immediate 인접한
surroundings 환경
dispersed 분산된
odd 이상한
give off ~을 방출하다
stationary bicycle 고정 자전거
exercise bicycle 실내 운동용 자전거
energy harvesting 에너지 수확
generate 생성하다
put ~ to use ~을 이용하다
device 장치