Page 3 - Exam-3rd-2023-Mar
P. 3

No . 18

                   What is the most appropriate purpose for the

                   following article? (다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?)

              ① I would like to propose to contribute an article

                   to a magazine.

              ② To request that the article space be increased

              ③ To introduce new organic products

              ④ I would like to thank you for the feedback

                   on the article.

              ⑤ To seek advice on starting a business

             organic crop 유기농 작물                      seasoned 노련한, 경험이 많은

             competitive 경쟁력 있는                       with access to ∼과 직접 만날 수 있는

             leading 선도적인                             founder 설립자

             operation 회사, 기업                         profile piece 인물 소개 기사
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