Page 7 - Exam-3rd-2023-Mar
P. 7

No . 20

                   What is the most appropriate thing the author

                   argues in the following article? (다음 글에서 필자가
                   주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?)

             ① You must adjust your beliefs according to what

                  you learn during the argument.

             ② Before arguing, you must carefully review the

                  other party’s argument.

             ③ Even if you are at a disadvantage in an argument,

                  you should not react emotionally.

             ④ When making decisions, you must take sufficient

                  time and be careful.

             ⑤ When presenting an opposing opinion, you must

                  attack the other party’s logical weaknesses.

             there is no –ing ∼할 수 없다,                               compelling 설득력 있는

             ∼하는 것은 불가능하다                                            measure up with ∼과 겨루다

             engage in ∼을 하다                                         toetotoe 정면으로 맞붙어

             argument 논쟁                                             adjustment 조정
             with a view toward ∼하려고,                                call for ∼을 요구하다

             ∼할 목적으로                                                 revise 수정하다

             dismiss 묵살하다                                            suspend 중지하다
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