Page 47 - Exam-3rd-2023-Mar
P. 47

No .40

                What is the most appropriate word to fill in the

                blanks (A) and (B)?

                (빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?)

             The social conditions in large, industrial cities made
             urban societies (A) the informal controls of the village

             or small town, introducing (B) measures to effectively
             induce coordinated urban behaviors.

                                   (A)                                               (B)

                         ① limit                           ····            permissive

                         ② maintain                 ····            restrictive

                         ③ evaluate                   ····            indirect

                         ④ remove                    ····            restrictive

                         ⑤ reinforce                 ····           permissive

                  rise 출현, 발생                                         sdensity 밀도

                  urbanism 도시화                                        coordination 조정

                  dissolve 해체하다                                       regulation 규제

                  informal 비공식적인                                      minimize 최소화하다

                  interaction 상호 작용                                   pollution 오염

                  specific 특정한, 구체적인

                  parking attendant 주차 안내원
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