Page 49 - Exam-3rd-2023-Mar
P. 49

No .41-42

                   What is the most appropriate title for the next

                   article? (다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?)

              ① Quest for Novelty: Our Survival Instinct

              ② Gossip as a Source of Social Information

              ③ The Bias Behind Stereotypical Assumptions

              ④ The More Information, The More Confusion

              ⑤ Creativity: Free from the Prison of Our Assumptions

                   Which of the underlined words (a)~(e) is not used

                   appropriately in the context? (밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 문
                   맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 )것은?

                       ① (a)            ② (b)         ③ (c)         ④ (d)           ⑤ (e)

               stereotypical 고정관념의                                associative 연상의

               default assumption 기본 가정                           theoretical 이론적인

               preconceived notions 선입관                           confront 직면하다

               affairs 상황

               representation 표현

               channel 특정한 방향으로 돌리다

               chase 쫓다

               line of thought 사고방식

               root 뿌리박다
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