Page 372 - BenchMark_6-2
P. 372

Bringing Back Wolves

                                                                                                                                                          How Wolves Talk

                   Because wolfpacks hunt over a large area,

             it would be impossible to keep them within

                                                            n. a group of wild animals living and hunting together
             the national parks. The packs would                                                                                                      Body in this posture when

                                                                                                                                                        running says the wolf is
             therefore come into contact with ranchers’                                                                                                               afraid.

                                                                          n. the way a person or animal acts or behaves
             livestock. Understanding wolf behavior was

             important in figuring out what would

             happen then.                              Why would it be impossible to keep the wolves in

                                                       the national parks?                                                                            Body in this posture when

                                                       Because wolfpacks hunt over a large area, it would                                               running says the wolf is
                                                       be impossible to keep them within the national                                                               playing.

                                                                                                                                         Unit 10 | Bringing Back Wolves
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