Page 91 - G5.1_M1-5
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5 There was no sign of panic in his log. His days were busy with
keeping the balloon shipshape, managing his supplies and provisions,
taking weather readings and bearings. He described the countries and
landscapes he was sailing over. Some days there were just coordinates
and weather conditions, other days he had lots to write about: birds, the
changing light, the landscape of the passing nations beneath him, the
creatures below the ocean’s surface. He seemed interested in everything.
6 I was keeping an eye on his coordinates and realized he was drifting
along a flight path not too far off the Aurora’s route from Sydney to
Lionsgate City. With every day his course veered more to the east, as he
tried to catch favorable winds at different altitudes. Not for the first
time I felt a sense of dread for him. I loved being aloft, but to be
completely at the mercy of the winds, with no other means of power or
steerage—it was a frightening thought. Obviously Kate’s grandfather
had a stouter heart than mine.
panic Panic is a feeling of strong fear that leaves someone unable to think clearly.
favorable Something that is favorable gives a benefit or contributes to success.