Page 92 - G5.1_M1-5
P. 92
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7 I lost track of how long I’d been reading, I was so caught up in the day
to day journey. There weren’t a lot of clues, but little bits of the man crept
through, even in his log. He liked watching the weather; he hated the
tinned baked beans but ate them because they were nutritious and
portable; he enjoyed Shakespeare; he loved his granddaughter. He
mentioned her often in his log. Must remember to tell Kate, he wrote. Or:
Will send Kate a postcard when I set down in Cape Town.
8 With a start I realized that Kate’s bookmark was just a page’s turn away.
9 I put the journal down, climbed off my bunk, and went down the
corridor to the bathroom. At the sink I splashed cold water on my face. Not
that I was sleepy. It just seemed like the thing to do when you were up in
the wee hours of the morning, reading the log of a strange, doomed voyage.
10 Back in the cabin, I slid down into the warm furrow of my bunk and
took a glimpse at the stars outside my porthole. With a deep breath, I
picked up the journal and turned the page.
September 2
11 An island in the distance (171'43" west, 2ʹ21" north) veiled in mist.
Possibly volcanic given the cone-shaped silhouette it presents. It looks a
tropical place, with a crescent-shaped beach behind a green lagoon, and
densely forested.
12 Sighted two albatross foraging over the ocean, plucking fish and
squid from the water’s surface with their long hooked beaks.
porthole A porthole is a small round window on a ship.
densely If something is covered densely, the covering is so thick that it is difficult to
see through.