Page 18 - New_TEN_English-4
P. 18

Skill 39-A     Can I call you back later?

                                                                                  A. Fill in the blanks to complete the conversations. If necessary, change the form of the verb.

                                                                                       •call back   •hang around   •give away   •get back   •look back

                                                                                  1. A: Hey, what did you do yesterday?
                                                                                    B: I just         the house.
                                                                                  2. A: He’s not here. Can you leave a message?
                                                                                    B: Oh, I will        him            later.

                                                                                  3. A: What are you doing in your room?
                                                                                    B: I’m choosing the clothes to      to the orphanage.
          1. A: What did you do over the weekend? Did you go anywhere?
           B: No, I just hung around the house, that’s all.                       4. A: Oh, those pictures are from when you were young. You look really cute
          2. A: Would you please put away your suitcase? It’s in my way.               in that picture.
           B: Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll move it right away.                               B: When I           on my upbringing, I realize I have great parents.
          3. A: Why don’t you throw away that old watch?
           B: No way. It was a gift from my first girlfriend.                     5. A: I think people have forgotten the basics.
          4. A: Where did you get those tissues?                                    B: Yes, I highly agree with that. We must     to the basics.
           B: Some guy was giving them away on the street back there.
          5. A: I should have studied harder in high school.                      B. Complete the dialogues by giving responses that use expressions discussed in this lesson. You
           B: Well, don’t look back on your mistakes. Just go forward.            may use the clues in parentheses.
          6. A: John won’t get back from his trip until Tuesday.
           B: OK. When he gets back, please tell him to call me.                  1. A: What did you do today?
          7. A: Can I call you back later? I’m driving right now.                   B: _________________________.
           B: Sure. I’ll be in my office all afternoon.                               (went out with friends somewhere)

          What is the point of this lesson? Listen to your teacher.              2. A: What did you do with your old clothes?
                                                                                    B: _________________________.
                                                                                      (donated to charity)

              [Around]      •hang around                                          3. A: Kaye, I just need to go to the convenience store downstairs.
              [Away]        •put away                •throw away              •give away  B: _________________________.
              [Back]        •look back    •get back      •call back
                                                                                      (you have a meeting in 20 minutes)
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