Page 3 - New_TEN_English-4
P. 3

Skill 31-B     Hold onto my camera or you’ll drop it.

                                                                                  A. Fill in the blanks to complete the conversations. If necessary, change the form of the verb.

                                                                                       •hold the door   •hold this bag   •hold one’s nose

                                                                                  1. A: What are you carrying? They look heavy.
                                                                                    B: Could you          ? It’s the heaviest one.

                                                                                  2. A: Do you need my help? I will open the door for you.
                                                                                    B: Yes, please. And could you       for a second?

                                                                                  3. A: This place is so stinky.
                                                                                    B: I’m           .

                                                                                  B. Answer the questions and fill in the blanks with your own answer.
          1. A: Hold onto my camera or you’ll drop it.
           B: Don’t worry. I’m not going to break your new camera.                1. A: When do you usually hold your breath?
                                                                                    B: I hold my breath when I smell something terrible.   *        .
          2. A: Could you hold the door open, please?
           B: Oh, sure. Your hands are really full.                               2. A: Can you think of someone who usually holds the door or elevator for you?
                                                                                    B: My friend always holds the door for me. She’s really kind.
          3. A: How long can you hold your breath underwater?                                                                         *             .
           B: Hold my breath underwater? I don’t even know how to swim!
                                                                                  C. What will you say given the following situations? Make sure to use the word ‘hold’ in your
          What is the point of this lesson? Listen to your teacher.

                                                                                  1. Your six-year-old daughter is afraid to cross the street, so you want to assist her.

                                                                                  2. You answered the office phone, and you want the person on the other line to wait.
              •hold on to my camera                                               3. The bus you’re riding is moving too fast. Mark is standing, and you don’t want him to
              •hold the door open
                                                                                     get off-balance.
             2019-04-09                                                                                                                                3
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