Page 4 - New_TEN_English-4
P. 4

Skill 32-A     Will you get the phone?

                                                                                  A. Match to complete the conversations.

                                                                                  1. Where did you get that raincoat?   •         •        a. You got what?
                                                                                  2. Could you get the phone?      •         •        b. At the department store.
                                                                                     I’m busy cooking.
                                                                                  3. I’m so hungry.                •         •        c. OK, I’ll get it.
                                                                                  4. I’m trying hard not to get a cold.   •         •        d. Drink lots of water.
                                                                                  5. I got a speeding ticket.      •         •        e. Can I get you anything?

                                                                                  B. Make sentences using the given expressions. You need more words to complete the sentence.

          1. A: Check this out! Isn’t it nice?                                    1. 핸드폰 좀 받아줄래요?              *get, phone, Could you
           B: Where did you get that cool cell phone?
                                                                                  2. 저 감기 걸렸어요.                *get a cold
          2. A: Helen, will you get the phone? I’m really busy at the moment.
           B: OK. I’ll get it!                                                    C. Answer the question and fill in the blank with your own answer.

          3. A: Why is Tim in such a bad mood this afternoon?                     A: When you get sick, what does your family do for you?
           B: Oh, he got a parking ticket earlier today.                          B: They get me medicine.     *             .

          4. A: I’ve got a terrible cold. I just want to take today off.
           B: Good idea. Do you want me to get you some medicine or something?    D. Remember the time when someone bought you a gift. Share about your experience by
                                                                                  answering the following questions (you may answer them in any order). Make sure to use the
          5. A: You look really tired. Can I get you anything?                    word ‘get’ in your responses.
           B: Some ice water would be nice.
                                                                                  1. When was the time you received the gift? (year / month / occasion)
          What is the point of this lesson? Listen to your teacher.
                                                                                  2. Who gave it to you and what gift did you receive?

                                                                                  3. Did you buy that person anything in return? OR
              •get the phone                       •get that phone                4. If you will give the person a gift next time, what will it be?
              •get a parking ticket              •get a cold                   •get (you) anything
             2019-04-09                                                                                                                                4
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