Page 9 - New_TEN_English-4
P. 9

Skill 34-B     I was just about to leave.

                                                                                  A. What goes commonly in the blanks? If necessary, change the form of the verb.

                                                                                  1. A: What time do you usually leave the office?
                                                                                    B: I usually          the office at 7 p.m.

                                                                                  2. A: I can’t do that all by myself. It’s too much.
                                                                                    B: OK.            it to me.

                                                                                  3. A: Is it raining? You’re completely soaked!
                                                                                    B: I know. I           my umbrella in the subway.

                                                                                  4. A: Honey, why aren’t you coming home yet? Dinner’s ready.
                                                                                    B: I have to work late. Could you just     the pork cutlet out for me?
          1. A: Do you have many things left to do?
           B: No. Actually, I was just about to leave.
                                                                                  5. A: When are you leaving the office?
                                                                                    B: Oh, I was just about to         .
          2. A: Is there any place I can leave my bag?
           B: There used to be lockers by the restroom. Why don’t you check
                                                                                  B. Complete the dialogues by giving an appropriate response using expressions with the word
          3. A: Oh, no! I left my wallet at home.                                 ‘leave’.
           B: Don’t worry. I can lend you some money.
                                                                                  1. A: Do you think we can still catch the bus? What time is the last trip?
          4. A: I see you ordered a pizza. Can I have some?                         B: ______________________________.
           B: Sure. Just leave a slice for John. He’ll be coming late.
                                                                                  2. A: Cindy, there’s a delivery for you. Where do I put these boxes?
          What is the point of this lesson? Listen to your teacher.                B: ______________________________.

                                                                                  3. A: I can’t seem to find my wallet.
                                                                                    B: ______________________________.
              •leave my bag
              •leave my wallet at home
              •leave a slice
             2019-04-09                                                                                                                                9
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