Page 6 - PowerE-L05-D
P. 6

Lesson  1


                   Arrange the words in the proper order to make a sentence that
                   answers the question.

                   1.   Do you agree with death penalty?


                          I, death, agree, penalty, don’t, with, no

                   2.   Why do you agree with death penalty?


                          crimes, I, heinous, agree, it, may, because, stop

                   3.   Why don’t you agree with death penalty?


                          I, don’t, because, away, agree, only, God, take, can, life

                    4.   What should be done to heinous criminals?


                          they, accordingly, be, punished, should

                   5.   Should some criminals be pardoned? Why?


                          repentant, because, yes, some, are

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