Page 7 - PowerE-L05-D
P. 7

Reading Comprehension

                   Answer the following questions.

                   1.   What question becomes more insistent?
                          A. changing of the constitution

                          B. reinstating death penalty
                          C. problem with pollution
                          D. abortion and overpopulation

                   2.   What was the common philosophy when heinous crimes were
                   committed in the past?
                          A. a nose for a nose, a tooth for a tooth
                          B. an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth
                          C. an eye for an eye, an ear for an ear

                          D. an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth

                   3.   Where does the question of morality and immorality fall into?
                          A. hands of the law
                          B. judgment of the juries
                          C. experience of judges
                          D. all of the above

                   4.   Where is human life put according to the essay?

                          A. in the hands of God
                          B. in the hands of man

                          C. in the hands of judges
                          D. in the hands of law

                   5.   Name the two opposing camps who comment on capital


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