Page 12 - PowerE-L05-D
P. 12

Lesson  3


                                            Many companies compete with each other fiercely for a
                                        share in the market. To be able to survive in this “dog-eat-

                                        dog” world, where only the strongest survive, many com-
                                        panies think that if they get bigger, then they get better. So

                                        they go for M & A (mergers and Acquisitions). Multi-nation-
                                        al companies such as Coca cola and Microsoft believe in

                                        this “bigger is better” philosophy. On the other word, some

               small companies think that size is a handicap. They think that smaller com-
               panies have the advantage of being flexible in responding to changes in the



               1. What do companies fight for?
               2. What is an advantage of a small company?
               3. What do companies do to get bigger?


               1. What is your opinion about the article?

                                                 Vocabulary & Expressions
                             compete: to strive consciously or unconsciously for an objective
                             fiercely: violently hostile or aggressive
                             share: a part allotted or belonging to one of a number owning together
                                             property or interest
                             multi-national: having divisions in more than two countries
                             merge: to become combined into one
                             handicap: a disadvantage that makes achievement unusually difficult

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