Page 17 - PowerE-L05-D
P. 17
Fill in the blank with the correct answer.
1. Her study _____ is something to be admired.
A. psychic B. ethic C. ethnic
2. Many _____ Koreans still follow their traditions.
A. conservative B. cooperative C. configurative
3. I heard that your mother has many _____ I your love life.
A. sculptures B. scriptures C. strictures
4. Management has _____ employees to speak in English.
A. argued B. urged C. forged
5. We have to _____ our emotions sometimes to think more clearly.
A. staple B. stifle C. steeple
Tell the noun form of each word.
1. Korean -
2. hardworking -
3. respectful -
4. loving -
5. romantic -