Page 16 - PowerE-L05-D
P. 16

Lesson  4


                                            Confucius, the Chinese philosopher has been influenc-
                                    ing Korean psyche for more than a century. The Confucian

                                    ethic  is  conservative.  It  emphasizes  the  tried  and  tested
                                    methods of self-reliance, hard-work, and respect for elders.

                                    But like all great philosophies and lifestyles that have survived
                                    for so long, it is meeting opposition from modernity, and from

                                    the   Korean   youth.   The  youth   labels   Confucianism   as
                                    conservative (in the sense of narrow-minded) and traditional

               (in the sense of old). For instance, Koreans used to treat elders with respect,

               yielding to their demands with no questions asked. The senior is given respect
               just because he is older, nothing more. So if your mother insists that you should

               disregard your feeling of love for this foreigner, and marry a nice Korean girl
               instead, then you should. Or if you are the expressive or romantic type and you

               suddenly have the urge to display your emotions in public (such as kiss or hug)
               to your lover, then you should stifle the urge. The young generation thinks that

               these strictures are so tight and they don’t allow individual freedom.” Why can’t

               we be like the West, with its liberal ideas and personal freedom?” the youth
               cries. But the older generation counters that the “oldies are the goodies” and

               that without these tight rules, the society would be in chaos.


               1. What does the Confucian ethic emphasize?
               2. According to the article, why does the younger generation think
                   that the Confucian ethic doesn’t allow individual freedom?

               1. What is your opinion about the article?
               2. Give examples to illustrate your opinions.

                                                  Vocabulary & Expressions

                     psyche: mind
                     ethic: the discipline dealing with what is good or bad and with moral duty & obligation
                     conservative: one who adheres to traditional methods or views
                     stifle: to withhold from circulation or expressions
                     urge: a force or impulse that impels or constraints
                     counter: to act in opposition to
                     stricture: something that closely restrains or limits

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