Page 73 - PowerE-L05-D
P. 73


                   Arrange the jumbled letters to form a word that is synonymous
                   to the set of words.

                   1.   gathering, mass, crowd

                         D E T         I  M U L         T U

                   2.   anger, madden, infuriate

                         R A E N G E

                   3.   in the middle of, among, amid

                         I   D A M S T

                   4.   waterfall, torrent

                         C A C A S D E

                   5.   mixture, brew, blend

                         I   C K C O T A L


                   Identify the subject of each sentence.

                   1.   To forgive one’s enemy is a noble duty.

                   2.   Brevity is the soul of wit.

                   3.   I am far from home.

                   4.   To err is human.

                   5.   Whatever is worth going at all is worth going well.

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