Page 76 - PowerE-L05-D
P. 76

Lesson  19

               Sugar Daddy

                                                   I’m no gossip, and I don’t want to eavesdrop on peo-
                                     ple’s private conversations if I can help it, but this interchange I

                                     overheard in the ladies room disturbs me deeply and I want to
                                     let it off my chest. I heard one school girl say,”...and he got me a

                                     pretty necklace, and promised to give me more cash if I slept with
                                     him. I told him that he’s a dirty old man. But I accepted of course.

                                     What have I to loose?”. Her friend replied,” You’d better quit that. If
               your folks find out, you are going to be in one hell of a trouble, like you were last time”.

               More and more teenagers these days are lured by the promise of easy cash that
               they “sell their souls to the devil”. In these days of casual sex and “one night stands”,

               more and more youngsters are falling prey to sexual predators-perverts who rob the

               innocence of our kids. These so called “sugar daddies” and “sugar mommies” have
               even gone online, lurking in the net, weaving their webs, waiting for the next needy

               victim to come along. Pedophiliac should be punished with the severest of penalties.
               Unless we put a stop on this insanity, we are going to lose our kids, and our hope.

               1. What did the lady want to get off her chest?
               2. What is the meaning of “sell your soul to the devil”?


               1. What do you think about child prostitution in Korea?
               2. What is the government doing about child prostitution?

                                                   Vocabulary & Expressions
                            Eavesdrop: to listen secretly to a private conversation.
                            Interchange: to put each in the place of the other
                            Overheard: to hear (speech or a speaker) without the speaker’s intention or
                            Lured: something that tempts or attracts with the promise of pleasure or
                            Predator: one that victimizes, plunders, or destroys, especially for one’s own gain
                            Weaving webs: setting a trap or planning a setup.

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