Page 141 - G6.1_M1-5
P. 141

DO NOT EDIT--Changes must be made through “File info”

                  REVISE AND EDIT                                                             Review your draft.

               The revision and editing steps give you a chance to look carefully at your writing

               and make changes. Work with a partner to determine whether you have explained
               your ideas clearly to readers. Use these questions to help you evaluate and improve
               your article.

                      PURPOSE/            ORGANIZATION            EVIDENCE              LANGUAGE/            CONVENTIONS
                        FOCUS                                                          VOCABULARY

                 … …Does my sequel     … …Does the            … …Have I used what   … …Have I included    … …Do all sentences
                    idea make sense?      introduction           I learned about       transition words      have subject-
                                          describe the           weather               that connect          verb agreement?
                 … …Does my sequel’s      setting and the        references to         ideas?
                    problem connect       characters?            convey a                                 … …Do pronouns
                    logically to the                             message about                               match the nouns
                    original story?    … …Have I provided a      the characters or                           they modify?
                                          logical                plot?
                                          resolution?                                                     … …Have I used
                                                                                                             commas correctly

                  PUBLISH                                                                     Share your work.

               Create a Finished Copy  Make a final copy of your sequel. You may wish to include an
               illustration. Consider these options to share your sequel.

                    1  Record a Story Sequel Podcast. Record yourself and your classmates reading

                       their sequels aloud; then play it for other classes.

                   2  Publish the sequels in a class online newsletter.

                   3  Start a blog in which you read and comment on other sequels.

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