Page 144 - G6.1_M1-5
P. 144

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           Big Idea

                                       Words About Inventions

                                       The words in the chart will help you talk and write about the selections in this
                                       module. Which words about designing the future have you seen before? Which

                                       words are new to you?

                                       Add to the Vocabulary Network on page 145 by writing synonyms, antonyms, and
                                       related words and phrases for each word about designing the future.

                                       After you read each selection in this module, come back to the Vocabulary Network
                                       and keep building it. Add more boxes if you need to.

                                              WORD                   MEANING                   CONTEXT SENTENCE

                                         innovations        An innovation is a new idea    In the late 1940s, the
                                         (noun)             or way of doing something.     television and the LP record
                                                                                           were considered innovations.

                                         blueprint          A blueprint is a plan or model   A 3D printer requires a
                                         (noun)             of something.                  blueprint before it can create
                                                                                           a product.

                                         manufacturer       A manufacturer is a business   A textile manufacturer makes
                                         (noun)             that makes goods for sale.     cloth for clothing and

                                         advances           Advances in a particular area   Huge advances in

                                         (noun)             of study, such as technology   information technology, such
                                                            or medicine, are               as laptop computers and
                                                            improvements in that area.     smartphones, were made
                                                                                           during the 1990s and 2000s.

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