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A rescue robot helps an myNotes
emergency crew.
Drones Rescue Robots
A drone is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or, in Robots aren’t a new invention, but recent
essence, a flying robot. Drones come in many advances in robotic technology have allowed new
shapes and sizes and can be used to transport types of robots to perform a variety of search-
anything from weapons to pizzas. and-rescue functions.
The increasing use of drones is controversial, For example, in Japan, where massive
for reasons of both safety and ethics. Some earthquakes are a constant risk, rescue robots use
naysayers worry about midair collisions or drone ultrasonic sensors that detect sounds beyond the
crashes on busy streets. Others object to the way limits of human hearing, and infrared cameras
drones are used in warfare. that can detect body heat to locate humans
Despite these legitimate concerns, drones trapped at disaster sites. The bots then load the
have many positive uses. In the wildfire-prone victims onto carts and transport them to safety.
western United States, for example, drones are As their name suggests, snakebots are robots
used to spot and fight fires. Not only can drones that look and move like snakes. They have been
battle forest fires, but they can also replant used at various disaster sites around the world,
deforested areas. One company plans to use slithering through difficult terrain to search for
drones to plant one billion trees per year. victims, gather information, and even deliver
Drones are also helping to protect emergency supplies.
endangered wildlife. In Indonesia, drones monitor
the Sumatran orangutan population. And, in East
Africa, drones spot poachers who illegally hunt A snakebot can explore
elephants and rhinos. difficult terrain.
Perhaps drones’ most useful purpose is
helping sick and injured people. About eight
million people worldwide lack access to basic
medical care. Now, several organizations are
making plans to use drones to deliver emergency
and medical supplies to communities in need.