Page 233 - G6.1_M1-5
P. 233
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43 y father is driving me bananas. He lies around like a slug and
Mdoesn’t help with anything and barks orders right and left.
Sophie is lucky; she doesn’t have any parents to bug her.
44 Uncle Stew said the only reason she’s on this trip is because Uncle
Dock took pity on the orphan. That’s what Uncle Stew calls Sophie: the
orphan. I want to slug him when he calls her that.
45 Sophie talks about my aunt and uncle as if they are her real parents,
even though they are only her adopted parents and she’s only been
with them three years. Brian says Sophie lives in a dream world, but I
think it’s kind of neat that she does that. At least she isn’t sitting around
moping about being an orphan.
46 Sometimes I wish I were an orphan, because my father is a big crab
and my mother is afraid of him and always hiding in the corner
looking pitiful.
47 But I guess I’m not supposed to write about stuff like that in this
dog-log. I guess I’m supposed to write about the journey and all that.
48 We started it. The journey, I mean. Amazing. I thought we were
going to be stuck on land forever, what with Brian coming up with new
lists every day. That boy sure likes to make lists. So does his father.
They’re a real list-making team.
49 Nothing is happening except that the boat is actually sailing and
not leaking too much or tipping over. Yet.