Page 238 - G6.1_M1-5
P. 238
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83 I don’t want to think about that. I’d rather think about the good
omens: dolphins have visited us three times! They come in groups of
four or five and swim alongside the boat. They usually come when we’re
sailing fast, whipping along. It’s as if they’re racing us. They play up in
front of the bow, darting back and forth right below the water, only
inches from the hull.
84 They’re the most graceful creatures I’ve ever seen, gliding through
the water without any apparent effort, and then arching at the surface
and raising their fins and backs out of the water.
85 Cody calls them darlings. “Here, dolphin darlings! Over here!”
86 I always feel a little sad when they finally swim away and Cody calls,
“Bye-bye, dolphin darlings! Bye-bye!”
87 We’ve changed the shifts around in order to have three people on
watch through the fog (Cody’s on with us now). Right now I’m bundled
up in my foul-weather gear, watching the sun rise in front of us and the
moon set at our stern. I’m tired and damp and desperately need a
shower, but I am in heaven.
88 I’m learning so much every day, and the more I learn, the more I
realize how much more there is to know about sailing and water and
navigation and weather. Today Uncle Stew gave us a lesson in sextant
readings. It’s harder than I expected, and Uncle Stew and Brian keep
scolding me and Cody, telling us we’re not pulling our weight unless
we learn how to do all this, because their lives might depend on
the two of us.
89 “You’d better hope your lives don’t depend on me and Sophie,”
Cody joked.
90 Uncle Stew got mad. “Not everything is funny, Cody, and when
you’re in the middle of that ocean, you’ll be praying that if anything
happens, everybody on board this boat will be capable of saving your
hide. You could at least do the same for us.”
91 “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I hear ya,” Cody said, as he went below deck.
92 Even Uncle Dock seemed annoyed at Cody this time. “I sure hope
that boy gets serious about something,” he said.