Page 145 - SB_G1.2_M3-4_Flip
P. 145
DO NOT EDIT--Changes must be made through “File info”
Respond to DO NOT EDIT--Changes must be made through “File info”
by Rozanne Lanczak Williams
1re_se_m4_getup.indd 135 12/6/2017 8:49:49 AM
InDesign Notes
1. DA/COMP: Set “Get” “And” as art as well. Convert to outlines.--TPS DONE DA/gsn 08/01/17
2. LA/DA/Comp: we placed the new background image that will link with the Pre-Reading page. The
new image is named --bs DAV 10-24
3. COMP: Please download and re-link to the new image. It has been posted to Box. The Box link is Thanks. bs DAV 10-24-17
4. COMP: Per request from LA at Final Printer PDF stage, I have modified the image of the girl, 1-b2_
rtxese971219_67p_mod.psd. The modified image has been uploaded onto MediaBin. Please update
the link on your end so it previews correctly. DA mk 11/29/17
5. COMP: Upon review of this page in Content Station, I saw that the BG color was not matching up with
the verso page (Before Reading). When I examined this file, I saw that there was a colored tinted box
sitting behind the BG art. I removed it. Please re-generate another PDF. DA mk 12/01/17
Use details from Get Up and Go! to answer
these questions with a partner.
1. Synthesize What is exercise? Why is
exercise important for you?
2. What kinds of exercise can you do on
your own? What kinds can you do with
Listening Tip
Listen carefully. Think of questions
you want to ask your partner
when it is your turn to talk.