Page 147 - SB_G1.2_M3-4_Flip
P. 147
DO NOT EDIT--Changes must be made through “File info”
DO NOT EDIT--Changes must be made through “File info”
WRITE Now write sentences to tell which way
of exercising you think is best. Tell reasons
by Rozanne Lanczak Williams
why. Remember to: 1re_se_m4_getup.indd 135 12/6/2017 8:49:49 AM
InDesign Notes
1. DA/COMP: Set “Get” “And” as art as well. Convert to outlines.--TPS DONE DA/gsn 08/01/17
2. LA/DA/Comp: we placed the new background image that will link with the Pre-Reading page. The
new image is named --bs DAV 10-24
3. COMP: Please download and re-link to the new image. It has been posted to Box. The Box link is Thanks. bs DAV 10-24-17
4. COMP: Per request from LA at Final Printer PDF stage, I have modified the image of the girl, 1-b2_
rtxese971219_67p_mod.psd. The modified image has been uploaded onto MediaBin. Please update
the link on your end so it previews correctly. DA mk 11/29/17
5. COMP: Upon review of this page in Content Station, I saw that the BG color was not matching up with
the verso page (Before Reading). When I examined this file, I saw that there was a colored tinted box
sitting behind the BG art. I removed it. Please re-generate another PDF. DA mk 12/01/17
• Tell your opinion.
• Use the word because when you write
a reason.