Page 114 - SB_G5.2_M6-10_Flip
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1 ”Holy cow, that was close!“ SpaceShipOne’s
engine ignited right by the mother ship, White Knight, which had
just carried it on her underbelly to an altitude around 50,000 feet.
My job was to ride in White Knight and pull the lever to release the
spaceship. The sound of the rocket engine filled the cockpit.
Through my small porthole window I could see the tiny spacecraft
as it shot vertically into space. By the voices in my headphones, I
could tell it was going to be an award-winning flight.
2 As a kid, I had always dreamed of going to space. I spent hours
building different types of model aircraft, sometimes modifying the
design. My brother and I even accidentally set a field on fire while
shooting off our model rockets. Luckily, the firefighters got there
quickly and put the fire out!
SpaceShipOne was part of a two- about to get launched on an
plane system. It attached to the belly adventurous flight.”
of a mother ship, the White Knight. Once released from the mother
The White Knight carried ship, the pilot of SpaceShipOne was
SpaceShipOne to an altitude of 50,000 in control. He ignited his rocket
feet. When they reached the right engine and shot almost straight up
altitude, White Knight crew member into outer space. The rocket on the
Matthew Stinemetze pulled a lever spaceship was a Lefler 2004, a hybrid
that released SpaceShipOne. Was he rocket fueled by a mixture of two
ever nervous when it was time to pull substances—in this case, laughing
the lever? “Not nervous for me,” he gas and synthetic rubber.
says, “nervous for the pilot that’s
ignited Something that ignited caught fire or exploded.
hybrid Something can be described as hybrid if it is made up of two or more
different things.
synthetic A synthetic item is artificial rather than natural.