Page 12 - SB_G5.2_M6-10_Flip
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Big Idea
Words About the Arts
The words in the chart will help you talk and write about the selections in this module.
Which words about the arts have you seen before? Which words are new to you?
Add to the Vocabulary Network on page 13 by writing synonyms, antonyms, and
related words and phrases for each word about the arts.
After you read each selection in this module, come back to the Vocabulary Network
and keep building it. Add more boxes if you need to.
classic A classic piece of art, music, Mona Lisa is a classic painting
(adjective) or literature is one that that people have been
people appreciate for many admiring for hundreds of
years. Its popularity is not just years.
tribute A tribute is something that is The ceremony included a
(noun) said or done to show respect tribute to the respected
for someone’s work or woman.
striking If you describe something as The huge, colorful mural on
(adjective) “striking” you mean it’s very the side of the school
impressive or noticeable. building is very striking.
provoking Something that is provoking The thought-provoking story
(adjective) causes a reaction, such as a made me wonder how it feels
thought-provoking book. to be an immigrant.