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MODULE The Lives of Animals
10 SCIENCE CONNECTION: Animal Behaviors ................................................... 300
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my Notes Animals in the Wild 6 The same company now uses similar spy cams all myNotes
Short Why We Watch Jane Goodall began studying chimpanzees in over the world. Off the coast of Antarctica, a spy
puffer fish recorded an unusual game of catch
Read the Gombe Stream Game Reserve in Africa in the that dolphins play. They actually use a real
1960s. Her methods were simple. She sat in the puffer fish as the “ball.” Another spy cam that Why We Watch Animals ...................................................................306
forest among the chimps and watched them.
Over time, she made a number of important looks like a crocodile egg caught the unusual
We humans have always had a close the easiest and safest ways to catch them. The discoveries about chimp diets, tool use, and relationship between Nile crocodiles and a water
bird called a dikkop (DIK-cup). Dikkops build
social interaction. Now, these chimpanzees are
their nests right next to crocodile nests. The
relationship with animals. The first humans earliest human language may even have been endangered, and Goodall is using her knowledge birds help protect both nests from predators.
competed with animals for food, water, and formed by copying sounds that animals made! to help save them from extinction.
living space. Over time, though, humans have Our Animal Fascination
learned to raise animals on farms and use them Today, scientists regularly study animal Animal Spies
for travel, help with tasks, and companionship. behavior around the globe. Watching animals These days, scientists have come up with some 7 Probably the biggest reason why people study
animals is that animals just fascinate us. We
helps us understand behaviors that all animals,
Many of us even have animals we consider to even humans, have in common, such as pretty ingenious ways to study animals in the love to read about them, watch them, and care
be members of our families! antisocial aggression or a parent’s bond with wild. Dr. Yvon Le Maho (ee-VON luh-MOWE) of for them. In fact, there are over 163 million
Getting to Know Animals its young. Observing animal behavior also fifty years. He noted that human interaction
pet cats and dogs in the United States alone.
France has been studying penguins for almost
2 Knowing how animals behave was important to gives experts a chance to save endangered with penguins in the wild causes stress and There is even a cable television channel
human survival. It was crucial for early species. Often, changes in behavior are the tension for the birds. So Dr. Le Maho teamed up dedicated to animals, their behavior, and their INFORMATIONAL TEXT
first clues that a species is heading toward
relationships with humans. When it comes to
humans to know how predators such as wolves extinction. Noticing these changes when with a documentary film company to create a animals, it seems we humans just can’t get
and big cats behaved in order to avoid them. remote-controlled camera that looked like a enough of them!
The traveling patterns of animals may have led they first occur may give scientists a head penguin chick. The penguin robot could
early people to sources of water and food. start in figuring out solutions to protect approach penguins in the wild without
Hunters watched prey animals to figure out specific species. disturbing them. For the first time ever, an
Emperor penguin in Antarctica was filmed
A water buffalo pulls a laying an egg.
farmer’s plow. a chimp up close.
Jane Goodall observes
A mother gorilla
carries her young. Emperor penguins brave the bitter cold of Antarctica.
A wolf pack hunts.
306 307
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Willie B. myNotes Willie B.: A Story of Hope .................................................................308
A Story of Hope
by Nancy Roe Pimm
by Nancy Roe Pimm
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my Notes
Dolphin Dolphin Parenting...............................................................................324
from National Geographic
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Can We Be Can We Be Friends?............................................................................330
by Ellen R. Braaf
by Ellen R. Braaf
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Winter Bees and Other Poems of the Cold ..............................342
by Joyce Sidman • illustrated by Rick Allen
and Other Poems of the Cold
by Joyce Sidman illustrated by Rick Allen
Performance Task
Write an Informational Essay .................................... 356
Glossary ............................................................361