Page 145 - SB_G5.2_M6-10_Flip
P. 145
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REVISE AND EDIT Review your draft.
Revise and edit your draft by carefully reviewing it and making changes to improve it.
Work with a partner or small group. Read each other’s articles and ask questions or
offer feedback. Use these questions to help you focus on ways to improve your article.
Does my
Is the article
Have I included
Did I use precise
Have I spelled all
introduction organized into facts and language and words correctly?
state the topic paragraphs that examples from topic-specific
and connect it to each focus on an the text to vocabulary?
Did I correctly
a scientific important idea? support each use quotation
discovery? main point?
Did I clearly marks, italics, and
Do headings define technical underlining?
Does my show the focus of
Do I need to add terms?
conclusion show each paragraph? more evidence to
the importance strengthen my
of the discovery? support?
PUBLISH Share your work.
Create a Finished Copy. Make a final copy of your article. Include illustrations or
graphic aids such as maps, charts, or diagrams. Consider these options for sharing
your article:
1 Combine your article with those of your classmates to create a textbook on
scientific discovery. Decide together on a title for the book.
2 Give an illustrated lecture to classmates or a science club. Read your article and
display supporting visuals, such as diagrams and photographs. Invite the
audience to comment and ask questions.
3 Post your article online to a school or science club website.