Page 60 - SB_G5.2_M6-10_Flip
P. 60

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                                       7     As she turned the corner of Mackeral Lane, reading
                                          one of her poems, the wind gusted and blew it out of her

                                          hand. As the page danced in the wind, she gave chase,
                                          catching it before it disappeared.

                                       8     Even if it had disappeared, would it matter? She knew
                                          every line, every syllable, by heart. She wrapped the pages
                                          tightly in a roll, pages of poems that had come from deep
                                          inside her—and could not be taken away, no matter the
                                          outcome of today.

                                       9     Still, she had something to prove. Not just because she
                                          was young, not just because she was female, but because

                                          she was a slave and came from Africa. She paused as a
                                          billowing sail moving into the harbor caught her eye.
                                      10     Was this like the boat she had arrived on one day in
                                          July more than eleven years before? A slave ship full of

                                          human cargo?

                                            outcome  An outcome is the way something turns
                                            out or what happens at the end of it.

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