Page 63 - SB_G5.2_M6-10_Flip
P. 63
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14 She had been staying up late, night after night,
preparing for what lay ahead. Was she ready? Would
she ever be ready?
15 Last night, her mistress, Susanna, had taken away
the candle at midnight and advised: “Tomorrow you
will look them straight in the eye as you answer all
their questions. Your talent will speak for itself. They
will discover the poet we know you to be! And when
your book is published, everyone will know!”
16 Phillis had hoped this might be true. Doubts
danced in her head—but she had studied as hard as
she could, and she would just have to have faith. As
she said her prayers, her worries began to fade, and she
drifted off to sleep, dreaming of her very own book.
advised If you advised someone, you told
your ideas about what he or she should do.