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1975 1983
Jacques Cousteau Sally Ride
What he explored: The ocean What she explored: Outer space
4 Details: Born and raised in France, Jacques 5 Details: Sally Ride and Dr. Mae Jemison share
Cousteau (koo-STOH) had a lifelong curiosity the distinction of being two “firsts” in space
about the sea. He hungered for knowledge exploration. In 1983, Ride became the first
about the world’s oceans and the life they American woman to travel to outer space,
contain. Cousteau was the co-inventor of the aboard the space shuttle Challenger. During
Aqua-Lung, the first automated scuba diving her historic flight, Ride operated a robotic arm
tank. Additionally, he and his team designed to move satellites.
underwater laboratories where scientists could
live and do research. Through his TV series The
Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau, viewers
were able to accompany Cousteau on his
incredible ocean adventures. In 1975, off the
coast of Greece, he located and explored the
wreck of Britannic—Titanic’s sister ship—which
sank in 1916.
The word scuba is an acronym that stands for “self-
contained underwater breathing apparatus.”
Mae Jemison
What she explored: Outer space
6 Details: Dr. Jemison became the first African
American woman in space, aboard the space
shuttle Endeavour. Dr. Jemison, who was also
a medical doctor, performed a number of
experiments during her eight-day space flight.
A huge fan of the TV show Star Trek, Dr. Jemison appeared
on an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation.