Page 92 - SB_G5.2_M6-10_Flip
P. 92
Depth measured in Empire
USS Lewis USS Wandank State Buildings: 1,450 feet each
At sea level
Trieste’s air tanks are
Continental shelf flooded with seawater, and
she begins to sink.
325 feet below
Piccard releases gas to allow
Trieste to desend through a
Releasing gas cold layer.
985 feet
Arc lights are switched on.
Arc light
shining 1,970 feet
Speed of descent now
increases from 4 inches per
second to 36 inches
per second.
2,400 feet
Total darkness from here
on down.
18,000 feet
Cabin springs a leak but
seals itself.
23,000 feet
Trieste sets a new record
for the deepest-ever dive.
27,200 feet
Piccard dumps some ballast
to slow the rate of descent.
30,000 feet
Alarm sounds as outer
windowpane cracks.
Abyssal plain: level of the
Pacific Ocean floor.
31,000 feet
Piccard uses echo sounder
to detect bottom of trench.
36,000 feet
Water pressure increases with Trieste comes to rest
depth. At the bottom of the on the bottom of the
Challenger Deep, the total Challenger Deep.
pressure on the Trieste was
220,500 tons (1.24 tons per
square centimeter),
equivalent to the weight of
five A380 Airbuses.