Page 93 - SB_G5.2_M6-10_Flip
P. 93
The great gash in the earth’s surface, deeper At 29,500 feet, Jacques could feel the steep
than Mount Everest is high, lies in the walls of the Mariana Trench rising around
Mariana Trench on the floor of the Pacific them. The Trieste had not been tested to
Ocean. this depth, and he released some iron ballast
14 Here, in rough seas, Jacques Piccard and to slow her speed. The ocean floor was still
Lieutenant Don Walsh of the U.S. Navy about a mile away.
undertook one of the most nerve-rattling 18 Suddenly, the men were shaken by what
journeys ever made. On the morning of sounded like a muffled explosion. The outer
January 23, 1960, the two men climbed skin of one of the windows had cracked. For
through the hatch and sealed themselves a second, they thought they were finished.
into their steel bubble. At precisely 8:23 Luckily the inner layer of Lucite held fast,
a.m., they let seawater into the air tanks and not long afterward the Trieste came to
above them and began a 288-minute rest at the bottom of the Challenger Deep.
descent down, down to the funeral-black Switching on their lights again, they stared
floor of the ocean. out in wonder at the fish and slime around
15 To Jacques’s surprise and dismay, at about them. It was certainly eerie and strange—
340 feet below the surface, the Trieste came but at least there were no monsters.
to a stop. It had met a dense layer of cold 19 As it would be dangerous to surface at
water (a thermocline), which blocked their night, the Trieste could not stay long. After
descent. After a quick calculation, he made just twenty minutes, Piccard lightened his
his craft less buoyant by releasing some of craft by releasing 10 tons of iron pellets
the gas from the tank above, and the Trieste from the hoppers in the float. The Trieste
continued dropping into the darkness. immediately began to rise. Faster and faster
16 At 1,000 feet, Jacques tested the Trieste’s she climbed, until she was moving upward
quartz arc lights, casting bright white beams at 5 feet per second. Just over three hours
into the surrounding sea. Plankton streamed later, she broke the surface of the warm,
past. By 2,400 feet, they had moved from bright Pacific. The sailors on the Wandank
the twilight zone to the abyssal zone, where and the escorting destroyer Lewis hurried
not a trace of sunlight can reach. Staring out to winch her from the water and release
at the grim blackness, the men felt the cabin her crew.
grow colder and colder. 20 The amazing Piccards are still the only
17 Around 18,000 feet, the cabin sprang a explorers to have traveled, literally, to both
small leak, which a little later mended itself. the heights and depths of our world.
Now dropping at 200 feet a minute, the
Trieste plummeted beyond 23,000 feet,
reaching a new record depth for any dive.