Page 376 - BenchMark_5-3
P. 376

Reading Skill: Classify and Categorize

                                                                                                                       Classify and categorize involves putting individual
      Complete the table with the correct phrases.                                                                     details into groups. This allows people to see both

                                                                                                                       the similarities and the differences between various
                                                                                Extinct Species                        things.

                                                                                                                                        Miss Waldron’s
                                                       Passenger pigeon                                                           red colobus monkey

              Habitat                                   North America                                         .                  An African rainforest                                   .

                                        • People cut down forests.                                                 • People came to the forest for

        The cause of                    • Farmers shot it to protect                                                  diamonds.

           extinction                      their crops.                                                            • People                   cleared land for                            .

                                        • People  hunted it for food                                          .          farming              .

       When it went                                   In 1914                                                                    In 2000

               extinct                                                               .                                                                          .

                   An African rainforest                                                   North America                                              In 2000

                   cleared land for farming                                                hunted it for food                                         In 1914

                                                                                                                                                 Unit 11 | What We've Lost
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