Page 377 - BenchMark_5-3
P. 377


      Fill in the blanks.

               In the past 300 years,  the rate of extinction                                                                         of living things has

          increased. There were once billions of passenger pigeons. But

          people started killing them. The birds were easy to catch, so their

              numbers were reduced                                              quickly. The last passenger pigeon died

          in 1914. Miss Waldron’s red colobus monkey  was first discovered                                                                                                              .

          in 1933. But people reduced its habitat to get diamonds. Nobody

          has seen one of the monkeys for many years, so scientists

                   declared it is extinct                                         .

                           was first discovered                                                             the rate of extinction

                           declared it is extinct                                                           numbers were reduced

                                                                                                                                                 Unit 11 | What We've Lost
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