Page 12 - PowerE-L02-A
P. 12

Lesson  3


                                                        My friend’s birthday

                                                        He is having a birthday party today.

                                                        She bought him a gift.

                                                        He is a year older than she is.

                                                        He is very happy today.


                 * She bought him a gift. 그녀는 그의 선물을 샀습니다.
                        ► She bought a gift for him.
                        ► She got a present / gift for him.

                 * He is a year older than she is. 그는 그녀보다 한 살 더 많습니다.
                        ► She is a year younger than he is. 그녀는 그보다 한 살 더 어립니다.
                        ► They are only a year apart. 그들은 한 살 차이 납니다.


                 1. When is your birthday?
                 2. How do you usually celebrate your birthday?

                 3. Who do you celebrate it with?
                 4. Where do you celebrate your birthday?
                 5. What do you like the most about your birthday?

                     Sample Answer

                 1. My birthday is on January 11th.

                 2. I usually have a birthday party.                             Vocabulary & Expressions
                 3. I celebrate it with my family and friends.                    apart : 떨어져
                 4. I celebrate it in my house or I rent a bar.                   celebrate : 축하하다
                                                                                  perfume : 향수
                 5. I like the birthday gifts my friends give me.

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