Page 16 - PowerE-L02-A
P. 16

Lesson  4



                                                     Spring will be coming soon.

                                                     Flowers bloom in spring.

                                                     The blossoms are beautiful in the yard.

                                                     I like spring because it’s warm.


                 * Spring will be coming soon. 곧 봄이 올 거예요.
                        ► Spring is just around the corner.                          Other Expressions
                        ► Spring will be here soon. / Spring is
                             nearby.                                             4 Seasons – spring, summer,
                                                                                    autumn and winter
                        ► Spring will come before long.                             사계절 - 봄, 여름, 가을, 겨울


                 1. Do you like spring? Why or why not?
                 2. What do you do in spring?

                 3. In what month is spring in Korea?
                 4. What do people wear during spring in Korea?
                 5. What season do you like the most? Why?

                     Sample Answer

                 1. Yes, because it’s warm and refreshing.                      Vocabulary & Expressions
                 2. I often play outside with my dog.

                 3. Spring in Korea is from March to May.                      blossom : 꽃, 꽃 피다
                                                                               bloom : 꽃이 피다
                 4. They usually wear light-colored clothes.                   yard : 마당, 뜰
                 5. Autumn, because I love watching the                        refreshing : 상쾌한, 산뜻한, 기분 좋은
                                                                               light-colored : 밝은 색의
                     colorful leaves.

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