Page 20 - PowerE-L02-A
P. 20

Lesson  5



                                                            You are on the wrong bus.

                                                            I missed my stop.

                                                            You should get off here.

                                                            The library is two stops away from here.


                 * You are on the wrong bus. 당신은 버스를 잘못 탔어요.
                        ► You took the wrong bus.
                        ► You got on the wrong bus.

                 * I missed my stop. 내릴 곳을 지나쳤어요.
                        ► I passed my stop.
                        ► I forgot to get off.


                 1. How often do you take a bus?
                 2. Which one do you prefer, bus or subway? Why?
                 3. How long does it take to get to your office or school by bus?
                 4. Is there a bus stop near your place?

                 5. How much is the bus fare in Seoul?

                     Sample Answer

                 1. I hardly take a bus.
                 2. I prefer the subway because I don’t need to
                    worry about traffic jams.                                   Vocabulary & Expressions

                 3. It usually takes 40 minutes going to my                   get off : (차, 말, 비행기 등에서) 내리다
                   office by bus.                                             (opp. get on, take)
                 4. Yes, there is a bus stop right in front of my             fare : (기차, 버스, 배 등의) 운임, 요금
                    house.                                                    hardly : 거의 ~ 않다
                                                                              traffic jam : 교통 체증
                 5. It’s 800 won but you can get a discount                   transfer : 갈아타다, 환승하다

                     when you transfer.

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