Page 29 - PowerE-L02-A
P. 29


                   Arrange the jumbled letters to form a word that would answer

                   the question.

                   1.   What is another word for test?

                         X E M A N I N A O I T
                   2.   What do you do before answering a test question?

                         K T I H N

                   3.   To pass the exam, what should you do while studying?

                         E C N E A T T R C O N

                   4.   You did not pass the test means that you have a ________

                         G F N I         L    I   A

                   5.   What do you call a quiet place at school where students study?

                         R Y L I R A B


                   Choose the right word for the underlined grammatical error.

                   1.   Pass you papers after answering the test.
                          A. your               B. yours              C. ours

                   2.   She is study well for the exam.
                          A. studies            B. studying           C. studied

                   3.   Did you passed the test?

                          A. passing            B. passes             C. pass

                   4.   You copied the wrong answered.
                          A. answer             B. answering          C. answerable

                   5.   Her got a low score in the test.
                          A. She                B. Me                 C. Him

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