Page 32 - PowerE-L02-A
P. 32

Lesson  8


                                                   Children’s Day

                                                   It’s Children’s Day in Korea today.

                                                   We always go on a picnic on Children’s Day.

                                                   My mom made kim-bap for the picnic.

                                                   All the children are happy on this day.

                     Expressions                                                   Other Expressions

                 * It’s Children’s Day in Korea today.                      It’s Teachers’ Day in Korea today.
                                                                            오늘은 한국의 스승의 날이예요.
                   오늘은 한국의 어린이 날이예요.                                        It’s Parents’ Day in Korea today.
                        ►Today is Children’s Day in Korea.                  오늘은 한국의 어버이 날이예요.
                                                                            It’s Labor Day in Korea today.
                                                                            오늘은 한국의 근로자의 날이예요.
                     Questions                                              It’s Korea’s Independence Day
                                                                            today. 오늘은 광복절 이예요.

                 1. When is Children’s Day in Korea?
                 2. How do you celebrate Children’s Day in Korea?
                 3. What other special days are there in Korea?
                 4. Where do family and children go on holiday in Korea?
                 5. What do you think is the best present for children? Why?

                     Sample Answer

                 1. It’s on May 5th.
                 2. We give children some gifts and have dinner together.
                 3. There are Parents’ Day, Teachers’ Day and
                     Labor Day, etc.                                               Vocabulary & Expressions
                 4. They go to a theme park or an amusement
                     park.                                                          labor : 근로자
                                                                                    theme park : 테마 유원지
                 5. I think the best present for children is a book,                amusement park : 놀이 공원
                     because it’s interesting and also educational.                 educational : 교육적인

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