Page 56 - PowerE-L02-A
P. 56
Lesson 14
I want to change my hairstyle.
I want to get a perm.
I want to straighten my hair.
I think the hairstyle suits me.
* I want to change my hairstyle.
헤어 스타일을 바꾸고 싶어요. Other Expressions
► I want to have a new hairstyle.
* I think the hairstyle suits me. I just want a trim.
(끝만) 다듬어 주세요.
머리 모양이 마음에 들어요. Leave the bangs, please.
► I like the new hairstyle. 앞머리는 그대로 두세요.
► I like what you did with my hair.
1. When did you visit a hair shop recently?
2. How often do you visit a hair shop? Vocabulary & Expressions
3. What is your current hairstyle?
4. Would you like to change your hairstyle? straighten : 똑바르게 하다, 펴다
If so, how would you change it? suit : 어울리다
trim : 손질, 깎아 다듬기, 다듬다
5. What color is your hair? bangs: 앞머리
Sample Answer
1. I went to a hair shop last week to have my hair cut.
2. I usually go to a hair shop once a month.
3. I have short hair now.
4. No, I don’t want to change it. I think this hair
style looks good on me.
5. My hair color is light brown.