Page 60 - PowerE-L02-A
P. 60

Lesson 15



                                                         I have an appointment with Mr. Smith.

                                                         I don’t have any plans for the evening.

                                                         I usually make an appointment after work.

                                                         I want to see you before you leave.


                 * I have an appointment with Mr. Smith.

                    스미스씨를 만나러 왔습니다. / 스미스씨와 약속이 있는데요.
                        ► I’m here to see Mr. Smith.

                 * I want to see you before you leave. 너 가기 전에 한번 보자.
                        ► Let’s meet up before you go.
                        ► I’d like to get together with you before you go.

                        ► We should get together before you go.


                 1. Do you think you keep your appointments well?
                 2. When do you usually meet your friends?
                 3. Do you have any plans for this weekend?
                 4. Where do you usually meet your friends?                     Vocabulary & Expressions

                 5. Are you free tonight?
                                                                               keep (break) one’s appointment
                                                                                             : 약속을 지키다 (어기다)
                     Sample Answer                                             get together : 모이다
                                                                               go fishing : 낚시하러 가다
                 1. Yes. I always try to keep my appointments.

                 2. I usually meet my friends on the weekends.
                 3. Yes, I’m planning to go fishing with my cousins.
                 4. I usually meet my friends at a coffee shop.
                 5. No. I already have an appointment with my


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