Page 24 - Race
P. 24

SIs may only be changed by following the process outlined in the RRS: in writing and posted on the
          Official Notice Board within the required time limits or verbally on the water according to procedures
          described in the SIs.

          Relationship between Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions
          These are preferably written together. If this is not feasible then write the SIs with a copy of the NoR
          in front of you. Always have Appendices K, L and S for reference. The NoR is always published first.
          Copies of NoR and SIs shall be be posted on the Official Notice Board (ONB) and may be made
          available  at  registration (To  avoid wasting  paper  and  duplication  events are  often  now  advising
          competitors to download and print their requirements prior to the event). The NoR and SIs are part
          of  the    Rules.  Any  conflict  between  NoR  and  SIs  is  dealt  with  by  RRS  63.7  when  the  protest
          committee applies the fairest interpretation of the conflict.

          Changing Rules within the RRS
          A  Member  National  Authority  (the  RYA  in  the  UK)  may  change  some  rules  within  the  RRS  if
          considered appropriate (subject to the RRS allowing this - some rules cannot be changed). These
          are known as Prescriptions and they apply to any event organised by that Organising Authority or
          an authority affiliated to that MNA. Prescriptions can be changed by the SIs unless ISAF have given
          authority that they cannot be changed, as is the case in the UK with the RYA Prescriptions.

          Both NoR and SIs may change some racing rules (in the RRS). Rules that cannot be changed are
          rules listed in 86.1(a), rule 76.1, 76.2 and Appendix R. Changes are made by referring specifically
          to the rule and stating the change. The words used to state the change are important: do not say
          ‘Amend’, ‘Vary’, ‘Add’ etc, but always say 'Change' (e.g. "………..This changes RRS 40."). It is a
          good idea to highlight those rules that cannot be changed in your RRS book for reference whilst
          writing your NoR andSIs.

          Without changing the RRS, SIs may:

          (a)   vary the interval between the warning and preparatory signals (RRS 26);
          (b)   permit the use of an engine (RRS 42.3(i)); implement the use of penalties other than turns
               (RRS 44.1);
          (c)   vary the Protest Time Limit (RRS 61.3);
          (d)   deny the right to appeal against Protest Committee decisions if this is also stated in the Notice
               of Race (RRS 70.5);
          (e)   vary the number of discards in a series (RRS A2).

          Class Rules may change only rules 42, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 and 54.

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