Page 15 - SACCUK Awards FINALIST Brochure 2023
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DR DEAN ALLEN Dr Dean Allen is a best-selling author, His innovative contribution to
Author | Speaker | Historian (SA) lecturer and historian. An acclaimed boosting business and tourism
international motivational speaker, he in Gqeberha (Port Elizabeth), was
has been published widely on the history recognised with the ‘newcomer’
and politics of society throughout the award at the prestigious NMB
British Empire, most notably in South Business Event Awards. Author of
Africa. Having taught at universities four best-selling books, Dean is
in South Africa, the UK, Ireland and widely regarded as one of the most
Australia, he is based in Port Elizabeth creative speakers in South Africa
having been commissioned to write a and has presented motivational
book on the story of conservation and talks and keynote papers around the
wildlife tourism in the Eastern Cape. An world. With a social media following
ambassador for Nelson Mandela Bay of over 200,000, he uses a variety of
(NMB) and Community Conservation technologies and media platforms
Fund Africa (CCFA), he is a columnist to promote South Africa both
for HeraldLIVE and also presents the domestically and internationally.
popular ‘Frontier Land’ podcast at
Algoa FM. Dr Dean Allen | LinkedIn
CEO, Envisionit Deep AI (UK) Dr Jaishree Naidoo, a visionary and In 2010, Dr Jaishree achieved a
trailblazer in the realm of medical significant milestone by becoming
innovation, stands at the forefront the first South African qualified
of transforming the landscape of paediatric radiologist, subsequently
healthcare through technological spearheading the establishment of
advancements. As the CEO and the paediatric radiology sub-speciality.
co-founder of Envisionit Deep AI, With an unwavering commitment to
a pioneering medical technology public healthcare spanning over two
company harnessing the power of decades, she has served in various
artificial intelligence, she has been capacities as Chair and showcased
instrumental in revolutionising medical exemplary leadership in both local
imaging diagnosis. The democrati- and international societies. Driven by
sation of diagnostic healthcare is a passion for progress, she actively
Dr Jaishree’s overarching vision. Her contributes and has co-authored
commitment is rooted in the belief numerous international articles and
that healthcare should be accessible book chapters on AI in healthcare.
to all, especially the most vulnerable. Dr Jaishree Naidoo | LinkedIn
MARANG SETSHWAELO When it comes to dealing with media, In 2002, Marang co-founded Dream-
Publicity Director, Netflix, Sub- brand building and reputation catcher Multimedia, an agency that
management, Marang Setshwaelo offered integrated communication
Saharan Africa is an industry veteran. Her 19-year solutions such as public relations,
strong PR journey has seen her not brand activations, events and
only execute some of the most exciting conferencing. More recently, her
and successful campaigns, but also passion to specialise in pure brand
demonstrate her advocacy strength communication has seen Marang
on the importance of transforming venture out on her own business
the industry’s ‘way of work’. For her, journey that she hopes will assist in
understating the land’s social narrative positively tipping clients’ brand scales.
shapes how and where one should
place their brand messages – whether Marang prides herself as an active
it be hard or soft news. It can never be social media activist and commentator
a one size fits all approach – a strategy on topics such as entrepreneurship,
that continues to list her among some women’s rights and the powerhouse
of the great PR and social media minds that is Africa.
in South Africa. Marang Setshwaelo | LinkedIn