Page 19 - SACCUK Awards FINALIST Brochure 2023
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REFILWE BUTHELEZI                 Refilwe  Buthelezi  is  a  professional  schools through various programmes.

        President, Engineering Council of   engineer,   registered   with   the  Her  numerous  accolades  include:
        South Africa  (SA)                Engineering  Council  of  South  Africa  2021  Women  in  Engineering  Award
                                          (ECSA).  Refilwe  is  a  non-executive  from  the  South  African  Institute  of
                                          director for the South African National  Electrical  Engineers  (SAIEE);  2022
                                          Road  Agency  (SANRAL),  Transnet  University  of  Johannesburg  Dignitas
                                          Limited, a Fellow of The South African  Award.
                                          Academy  of  Engineering  (SAAE),   She  has  served  as  the  Vaal  University
                                          the  first  female  president  of  the   of  Technology  (VUT)  Chair  of  Council
                                          Engineering  Council  of  South  Africa   and  Refilwe  is  a  firm  believer  in  Pan-
                                          (ECSA) and the president-elect of the   Africanism.  She  is  a  champion  for
                                          Federation  of  African  Engineering   ECSA to play a role in assisting African
                                          Organisations (FAEO). She is a director
                                          of the Pfuxani STEM Foundation, a non-  engineering  institutes  to  become
                                                                              signatory members of the International
                                          profit organisation (NPO) that she co-
                                          founded with the intention to promote   Engineering  Alliance  (IAE)  educational
                                          Science,   Technology,   Engineering
                                          and  Mathematics  (STEM)  subjects  at  Refilwe Buthelezi  | LinkedIn

        ADRIAN GARDINER                   Mantis was grown from an audacious  experiences  to  fulfil  their  curious
        Executive Chairman, The Mantis    passion   to    create   something  spirit. Mantis is a collection of unique
                                          exceptional. Mantis grew from Adrian’s  destinations  that  offer  access  to
        Collection (SA)                   vision to restore and rewild degraded  personalised  experiences  and  rare
                                          farmland which he developed into the  moments.  Led  by  this  pioneering
                                          widely  acclaimed  Shamwari  Private  spirit,  Mantis  curates  hotels,  eco-
                                          Game  Reserve.  This  was  the  first  escapes and waterways that celebrate
                                          private  game  reserve  in  the  Eastern   the  essence  of  the  place,  people
                                          Cape  and  the  beginning  of  eco-  and  culture  around  them  to  give
                                          tourism in a poverty-stricken province   people access to something truly life
                                          which had few opportunities outside of   changing.
                                          commercial farming.                 Adrian recently received a prestigious

                                          Adrian  and  the  Mantis  team  had   honour   when   Global   Humane
                                          successfully  created  a  place  where   presented him with a ‘Global Humani-
                                          man  and  nature  could  co-exist   tarian Award’, only the fourth recipient
                                          sustainably.  Since  then,  Mantis  has   to  receive  this  award,  and  the  first
                                          unearthed  destinations  for  travellers   South African.
                                          who are searching for transformative  Adrian Gardiner | LinkedIn

        NATALIE POLLOCK                   Natalie Pollock is incredibly passionate  with sponsors and partners.

        Managing Director, Sporting Chance   about  the  genuine  impact  sport  can   Over  270,000  children  across  South
                                          have  on  children’s  lives.  Sport  is  a
        (SA)                              global language, which allows a diverse   Africa have benefited from the Sporting
                                          audience to be reached.             Chance programmes since the organi-
                                                                              sation  was  founded  by  Brad  Bing  in
                                          Having started her journey at Sporting   1990. Sporting Chance offers an inno-
                                          Chance as a coach over 20 years ago,   vative  sports  platform  for  health  and
                                          Natalie has grown through the ranks   life  skills  education  and  their  current
                                          and now manages both the Sporting   programmes  include:  Disney  Healthy
                                          Chance Coaching Services and Deve-   Happy  Play,  Calypso  Cricket,  Street
                                          lopment  Foundation,  a  registered   Netball,  Street  Soccer,  Street  Cricket,
                                          not-for-profit  NPO  with  PBO  status.   Table Cricket and their regular coaching
                                          Over the years she has developed an   clinics across diverse communities.
                                          understanding  of  the  communities
                                          they work in and how to ensure the   Their  mission  is  to  give  every  child
                                          professional  delivery  of  sport  and   in  South  Africa  the  opportunity  to
                                          education programmes. Her greatest   participate in physical activities, regard-
                                          successes have been optimising their   less of their background.
                                          operations and building connections  Natalie Jane Pollock  | LinkedIn

                                                                                  SA CHAMBER UK ANNUAL
                                                                                   AWARDS FINALISTS 2023
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