Page 26 - SA Chamber UK February Newsletter. 2024
P. 26




                                                                    Financial  markets  are  currently
                                                                    enjoying  something  of  an  upbeat
                                                                    mood.  However,  will  this  optimism

                                                                    persist given potential geopolitical
                                                                    flashpoints,     slower-than-expected
                                                                    rate cuts and upcoming US elections?

                                                                    After  much  debate  over  whether
                                                                    there  would  be  a  soft  or  hard

                                                                    landing,  several  economic  data
                                                                    releases  towards  the  end  of  2023
                                                                    and in January have created a more
                                                                    optimistic growth outlook, and a more
                                                                    benign inflationary backdrop, at least
                                                                    for now. That said, prospects are far
                                                                    from uniform across the world.

            The US keeps on giving

            Economists  have  been  compelled  to  revise  higher  their  growth  forecast  for  most
            leading economies in 2024. The combination of resilient consumption and a resilient
            job market has once again defied expectations.  At some point, the US consumer will
            run out of excess savings and consumption will likely stall, but so far higher real wages
            and low unemployment have softened the blow. While growth may end up higher than
            anticipated at the start of 2024, a significant economic slowdown appears to be on the
            cards this year.

            Europe stuck in a rut
            On the other side of the Atlantic, both the UK and the eurozone economies remain

            stuck in first gear, and show little sign of accelerating from last year’s doldrums. With


                                                       SA CHAMBER UK NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY 2024
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