Page 8 - SA Chamber UK-November News Letter
P. 8
Sir Nick along with a number of the Rivonia Trialists and their legal team at the Bram Fischer colloquium panel
at Wits University March 2015. Photo credit, Wits University.
In 2015, with the help of his friend the late Lord Joel Joffe, Mandela’s solicitor in the
Rivonia trial, Nick organised a colloquium at the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits)
in Johannesburg to coincide with the award of an honorary doctorate posthumously
to Bram Fischer, who headed the legal team which spared Mandela and his colleagues
from the gallows.
Denis Goldberg, the only white among
the eight convicted Rivonia defendants,
attended the colloquium.
Lynda Murray, who convenes Wits
alumni in the UK, recalls how Nick
worked tirelessly with Joffe in preparing
the ground for a dynamic panel which
discussed the controversial role and
life of Bram Fischer. In 1961 Fischer,
a white Afrikaner from a top family,
was simultaneously a leading member
of the Johannesburg Bar Council and
secret leader of the of the outlawed Andrew Mlangeni and Nick Stadlen Wits University
South African Communist Party (SACP). March 2015 Photo credit, Wits University